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10/03/02: All transports recompiled and updated.

5/03/02: The AIM transport is back up.

4/22/02: The AIM transport is not currently working.


Jabber is a universal XML-based instant messaging system, intended to duplicate the functionality of all the proprietary IM systems (ICQ, AIM, Yahoo, MSN Messenger) and provide that functionality in an open, extensible form.

Our Jabber server

We run a Jabber server at jabber.icequake.net. Anyone is free to use it, as long as they do not abuse our system resources.

In addition to the Jabber protocol, our server supports the following transports (all of which can be accessed through your Jabber client):

No extra software is needed for these transports; simply register with them through your Jabber client, and you can start adding your contacts from each of these legacy systems.

Note: On the Yahoo and MSN transports, new mail/mailbox status notification are disabled. Reason? It's unnecessary, especially if you could care less about your Yahoo/MSN spambox. If you really must have this "toy" functionality, feel free to download the official Yahoo or MSN Messenger clients.

Some Jabber clients we have tested are:

Current server version: 1.4.2

Jabber Links:

For questions or comments about our Jabber service, please mail jabber@icequake.net, or catch "nemesis" or "witwerg" online.