800 Another----Kevin Bacon "Thank You Sir may i have another" 801 Backfire---Adam Sandler "OHh Shit talk about your all time backfires" 802 Bad Feeling---Harrison Ford "I've gotta bad feeling about this" 803 Band---George Clooney "Now lets kill that fucking band" 804 Bastards----Army Of Darkness "Ohh you little bastards" 805 Bill Gates---South Park "The death of Bill Gates in South Park" 806 Bite---"Its a huge shit sandwich and were all gonna have to take a bite" 807 Bless---Antonio Banderas "Forgive me father for i have just killed many men" 808 Blimp---Bill Pullman "Uhh Ohh here comes the bad year blimp" 809 Broomstick--- Army of Darkness "See This. This is my broomstick" 810 Bother--- "Doesnt that bother nayof you cause it scares the living piss outta me" 811 Break--- Sam L. Jackson---"Ohh i am sorry did i break you concentration" 812 Breakfast---Happy Gilmore"I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast..." 813 Chinease Jet---Army of Darkness"....Yeah maybe i am a chinease jet pilot" 814 Clothes--Adam Sandler "If i saw myself in clothes like those i'd have to kick my own ass" 815 Comefrom---"Where the hell did you come from" 816 Damage---"I think we better split up we can do more damage that way" 817 Dance---"Jack Nicholson"Ever dance with the devil in a pale moonlight" 818 Dead_or2---Robocop "Dead or alive you are coming with me 819 Dig---The Mole "We have to dig from here to not be seen...Come Bitches 820 Dodge---Keanu Reeves "You mean i can dodge bullets..." 821 Dollar---Robocop "I'll but that for a dollar" 822 Erased---Back to the future "Erased from existence" 823 Failed---Darth Vader "You have failed me for the last time" 824 Feelike---"Dont i feel like a fuckin' asshole" 825 FKWIN98---South Park "Fuckin Windows 98" 826 Geta---Jack Nicholson "Wait till the get a load of me" 827 GoodDumb---Dark Helmet "Evil will always triumph cause good is dumb" 828 Greatest---Val Kilmer "I am the greatest swordsmen that ever lived" 829 Goovy---"Groovy" 830 Hailking---"Hail to the king baby" 831 Hardon---Full Metal Jacket "God has a hard on for marines cause we kill every thing we see" 832 Heard---"Of course i am alright why what have you heard" 833 Hearthat---Agent Smith "You hear that Mr. Anderson, that is the sound of you death..." 834 Horney---Full Metal Jacket "OHHH M so Horney...Me love you long time" 835 Illegal---Charlie Sheen "Not playing to win is like sleeping with your sister..." 836 Illnazis---Blues Brothers "Ill. Nazis...I hate Illinois Nazis 837 Jackshit---"I got news for you pal, you aint eating nothing but two thing now jack and shit..." 838 Join---Alan Rickman "Join us or die" 839 Kicked----Bill Murray "We came we saw we kicked its ass" 840 Kidfdup---South Park "Damn dude that kid is fucked up" 841 Liketree---Back to the Future "Make like a tree and get outta here" 842 Live---Terminator "Come with me if you want to live" 843 Loser---Jim Carrey "Man you are one pathetic loser" 844 Lying---John Belushi "Hey Whats this lying around shit" 845 Medieval---Ving Rames "I am going to get medieval on your ass" 846 Mission1---"You see we are on a mission from god" 847 Mo-Ron---Animal House "Well what the hell are we suppossed to do you moron" 848 Neck----"Full Metal Jacket" "Best unfuck yourself cause i will unscrew your head and shit down your neck" 849 Numnuts---Full metal Jacket "What is your mjor malfunction numnuts" 850 Ooops---"OOOOPPPS" 851 Party---Willow "Excuse me are we having a party" 852 Pissin---"Your pissing me off you son of a bitch" 853 Pleasure---Robin Hood Might i have the pleasure of your name before i have you run through" 854 Poontang---South Park "Cant wait to leave so i can get some fucking poontang" 855 Pukes---Full Metal Jacket "You are pukes, you are ...." 856 Risking---South Park "Get Plenty of sleep tomorrow we will be risking our lives for freedom" 857 Scared---"Ohhh i am really scared" 858 Schwartz---Yogurt "Never underestimate the power of the schwartz" 859 Shebitch---Army of Darkness" YO She bitch lets go" 860 Split_Up---Ghostbusters "I think we better split up we can do more damage that way" 861 Sucks---War Games".....Your defense system sucks" 862 Sugar----Army Of Darkness "Gimme some sugar baby" 863 Surround---Spaceballs "I knew it i am surrounded by assholes" 864 Surprise---Cypher "Surprise asshole betcha never seen this comin" 865 Theman---Will Smith "Whos the man yeah, whgos the man" 866 Theprice---Adam Sandler "the price is wrong bitch" 867 Try ---Yoda "NO try not,...." 868 Twinkletoes----True Lies "Alright Twinkletoes what is your exit stratedgy" 869 Unfailed---South Park "I see you failed in your mission" 870 Vacusuck---Spaceballs "Commense operation Vacusuck" 871 Weopon---Robocop "put down your weopon you have 20 seconds to comply" 872 WEmeet---Spaceballs "At last we meet for the first time for the last time" 873 Wentaway---"Wentaway i dwell in darkness....." 874 Yippee---Bruce Willis "Yippee ki ya mother fucker"