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Dungeon Keeper Rooms



Cost per tile: 125
Health per tile: 350
Attracts Monster Size Needed: Also Needs
Bile Demon 25 tiles Lair
Spider 9 tiles Lair

It's easy to overlook the hatchery as it's nothing more than an automated cafeteria for your minions. In actuality, though, it can be an extremely useful strategic tool.

There are three ways to use chickens. If your creatures are in battle, jump to the hatchery (Shift-H) and grab a handful of poultry. Return to the battle and start dropping chickens. This can be beneficial in one of two ways: If you drop a chicken on one of your fighters, he'll eat and regain some health. If you drop them in the battle area, your opponents will often get confused and attack the chickens.

A second way to use chickens is to feed victims in the Torture Chamber. If you feed the opposing minions you're torturing, they'll become healthier and you can keep them alive until they eventually convert to your cause. Obviously, this is most effective with higher-level creatures. There's little point in converting an enemy beetle. On the other hand, if you've imprisoned a Samurai, it's useful to take the extra effort to convert him.  

A Third way to use chickens is to feed prisoners so they don't starve to death. This is helpful if you don't have room in your torture chamber, or if you wish to simply hold an enemy Keeper's creatures. Remember that an enemy Keeper can only attract a set number of creatures per level. If you're holding them prisoner, they're not lost. They're simply out of action.

Generally, I try to build my prison and torture chamber next to each other to ease the transfer of enemies from the prison to the Torture Chamber. But I also like building a large hatchery next to these rooms to ease the transfer of chickens to prisoners and torture victims. If you plan to do this a lot, make sure you have other hatcheries that your minions can go for a snack. Feeding prisoners and torture victims can use a lot of chickens, and you don't want to run short when you need them most.

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