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Dungeon Keeper Rooms



Cost per tile: 200
Health per tile 320
Attracts Monster Size Needed Also Needs
Warlock 9 tiles None

The Library is an essential part of your dungeon. Without it you won't be able to build advanced rooms or cast spells. You should make your Library as efficient as possible - make it square, build it away from the more active rooms, and reinforce the walls. Also, if you can, make sure there's only one doorway for this room.

Under no circumstances should you build a doorway leading to a Treasure Room or a hatchery from your Library. While your researchers may have to walk a bit to eat or get paid, other creatures won't use it as a hallway - a surefire way to annoy your Warlocks, who will eventually open fire on trespassers.

Warlocks and Dragons will spend most of their time here, but you should take them out for the occasional training session. Warlocks are great ranged fighters at higher levels but terribly weak at lower levels.

Once your research is complete, don't sell off the Library no matter how tempting it may be. If you sell sections, you'll lose the spells stored there.

Here is the order of research in the Library. The first few generally already exist when you start a level:


Research Type
1 Create Imp * Spell
2 Treasure Room * Room
3 Lair * Room
4 Hatchery * Room
5 Training Room * Room
6 Library Room
7 Sight of Evil Spell
8 Bridge Room
9 Speed Monster Spell
10 Must obey Spell
11 Guard Post Room
12 Call to Arms Spell
13 Workshop Room
14 Conceal Monster Spell
15 Barracks Room
16 Hold Audience Spell
17 Prison Room
18 Cave-in Spell
19 Torture Chamber Room
20 Heal Spell
21 Temple Room
22 Lightning Spell
23 Graveyard Room
24 Protect Creature Spell
25 Scavenger Room Room
26 Chicken Spell
27 Disease Spell
28 Armageddon Spell
29 Destroy Walls Spell

Note: Spells and Rooms marked with an asterisk ("*") normally appear when the level starts except during the first few "tutorial" levels. 

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