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Dungeon Keeper Rooms



Cost per tile: 350
Health per tile: 100
Attracts: Monster Size Needed: Also needs:
Tentacle 9 tiles Lair

The Temple contains great power. Unhappy creatures can be dropped around the pools to cheer them up, and diseased creatures and those that have been turned into chickens will be healed in the Temple. The Temple also prevents your creatures from being scavenged by enemy keepers for a limited time.

It's a good idea to never leave a vampire in a temple, because this will make him angry.  Hence, you cannot effectively protect vampires from scavenging by placing them in a temple.

You can also sacrifice creatures in the Temple by dropping them into the pools. Different combinations of sacrifices have different effects, which are described in the table.

Sacrifice Result
1 Imp Cost to create imp lowered by 150
1 fly + 1 Spider Warlock enters dungeon
2 flies Current research project completed instantly
2 Beetles Current manufacturing project completed instantly
1 Beetle + 1 Spider Dark Mistress enters Dungeon
3 spiders Bile Demon enters dungeon
1 Dark Mistress + 1 Bile Demon + 1 Troll Horned Reaper enters dungeon
1 Horned Reaper All your creatures become angry
2 Bile Demons All your creatures are turned into chickens temporarily
1 Ghost All chickens killed
1 Vampire All your creatures become diseased

Note that the sacrifices do not have to be in any particular order. If you sacrifice a beetle, a Bile Demon, a beetle, and then a Bile Demon, your current manufacturing project will still be completed (though you'd have a lot of chickens running around). Also note that sacrificing two Bile Demons and then a ghost is a terrible idea, as is sacrificing a Horned Reaper if you have more than one.

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