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Creature Feature


Only good as an initial stopgap force until the real help arrives, it is never worth training these bugs to a high enough level to be useful. Beetles are the first creatures you'll attract to your dungeon. Unfortunately they're not very good at anything (though they do have some sacrifice benefits). If you find some wandering around your dungeon, your best bet is to get rid of them - either sacrifice them or just toss them in the portal.

Level abilities: 7 = Freeze

Favorite Location: None
Health: Level 1: 250 Level 5: 600 Level 10: 1038
Salary at : Level 1: 18 Level 5: 43 Level  10: 75
Research Points per second: Level 1: 20 Level 5: 48 Level 10: 83
Manufacturing points per second: Level 1: 20 Level 5: 48 Level 10: 83
Training Cost (per 1000 EP): 125
Training time to gain 1000 EP: 56 seconds
Cost in Scavenger Room: 8  per second
Natural Enemies: None
Anger Reaction: Leaves dungeon
Chickens to Satiate: 1
Experience Gained When Hit Level 1: 2
Slaps to Kill: 22
What They Like: Nothing
What They Hate: Nothing
Special Traits: None

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