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Creature Feature

warlock.jpg (5882 bytes)Warlock:

Arguably one of the most powerful kinds of minions, these grumpy magic users need to be utilized with care and trained up as high as possible.  If you have the room, try to build them a special Lair that is ringed by Treasure tiles or unnined gold tiles, as they are reputed to gain experience by simply sleeping next to gold.  When dropping them into battle, make sure to give them room to fire away from a distance . Resist the urge to put them to work researching before you have trained them up to at least the third level.

Warlocks are great to have around. They're excellent researchers and, at higher levels, good fighters. The problem is that they can get a little surly. While not as dangerous as Horned Reapers, they can still pose quite a problem. If annoyed (caused most often by other creatures interrupting their research), they'll eventually start attacking others.

They get more easily annoyed at higher levels, especially in groups. A large group of high-level Warlocks will start spreading unhappiness like a plague in your dungeon. Unfortunately, this is a price you'll want to pay: High-level Warlocks are among the best long-range fighters available.  The best way to keep them happy is to shower them with gold occasionally and make sure the Library is well isolated from foot traffic. If the Warlocks are revolting, your only option is to put them in prison or throw one of them into the Torture Chamber.

Level abilities:       2 = Fireball, 3 = Heal, 4 = Meteor, 5 = Invisibility,
                            6 = Guided Missile, 7 = Sight, 8 = Wind, 9 = Word of Power

Favorite Location: Library
Health: Level 1: 350 Level 5: 840 Level 10: 1453
Salary at : Level 1: 120 Level 5: 288 Level 10: 498
Research Points per second: Level 1: 80 Level 5: 192 Level 10: 332
Manufacturing points per second: Level 1: 20 Level 5: 48 Level 10: 83
Training time to gain 1000 EP: 28 seconds
Training Cost (per 1000 EP): 234
Cost in Scavenger Room: 25 per second
Natural Enemies: Vampires
Anger Reaction: Leaves dungeon Slays Allies Incites revolt
Chickens to Satiate: 3
Experience Gained When Hit Level 1: 12 Level 5: 18 Level 10: 24
Slaps to Kill: 17
What They Like: Research
What They Hate: Vampires Manufacturing
Special Traits: None

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