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Creature Feature

mistress.jpg (6096 bytes)Dark Mistress:

Not exactly the kind of girl you'd take home to mother, the Dark Mistress is still that kind of lady (?) you'll want to keep close to your heart (Dungeon Heart, that is). They're good, kinky fun too! Try to keep them in the training room until they pick up Lightning at the sixth level, and always use them in areas where there is a lot of room for them to operate.

The Dark Mistress is a powerful fighter and the easiest creature to keep happy in your dungeon. She has a sort of fetish for pain, so simply slapping her or throwing her in the Torture Chamber will do wonders for her morale.

At higher levels, the Dark Mistress can teleport, which makes her an invaluable fighter - she'll simply jump to any Call to Arms spell she hears.

You will want to keep your Dark Mistresses as far away as possible from any Samurai you might convert. They are Natural Enemies, and you don't want to lose either of these powerful fighters to infighting.

Level abilities: 4 = Missile, 6 = Lightning, 7 = Speed, 9 = Drain, 10 = Teleport

Favorite Location: Combat Torture Room
Health: Level 1: 700 Level 5: 1680 Level 10: 2096
Salary at : Level 1: 175 Level 5: 420 Level 10: 726
Research Points per second: Level 1: 40 Level 5: 96 Level 10: 166
Manufacturing points per second: Level 1: 40 Level 5: 96 Level 10: 166
Training Cost (per 1000 EP): 188
Training time to gain 1000 EP: 28 seconds
Cost in Scavenger Room: 25  per second
Natural Enemies: Samurai
Anger Reaction: Leaves dungeon Kills allies
Chickens to Satiate: 3
Experience Gained When Hit Level 1: 15
Slaps to Kill: 50
What They Like: Combat Torture getting slapped
Being woke up Latex rubber
What They Hate: Missing Payday
Special Traits: None

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