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Creature Feature

spider.jpg (6015 bytes)Spider:

The last of your insect minions and the most powerful of the bunch, but that isn't saying much. Getting a Spider or two up to the fourth level so they can freeze annoying interlopers is useful, but their animosity toward the far-ranging Flies makes low-level Spiders more trouble than they are usually worth. In general, they are most useful as sacrificial "volunteers" for taking a permanent dip in the Temple pool, in order to bring in some truly useful creatures.

Level abilities: 2 = Slow, 4 = Freeze, 8 = Hailstorm

Favorite Location: Freezing Prisoners Training
Health: Level 1: 400 Level 5: 960 Level 10: 1660
Salary at : Level 1: 25 Level 5: 60 Level 10: 104
Research Points per second: Level 1: 20 Level 5: 48 Level 10: 83
Manufacturing points per second: Level 1: 40 Level 5: 96 Level 10: 166
Training time to gain 1000 EP: 56 seconds
Training Cost (per 1000 EP): 281
Cost in Scavenger Room: 12 per second
Natural Enemies: Flies
Anger Reaction: Leaves dungeon
Chickens to Satiate: 2
Experience Gained When Hit Level 1: 3 Level 5: 7 Level 10: 12
Slaps to Kill: 24
What They Like: tormenting prisoners Training
What They Hate: Flies
Special Traits: None

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