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Creature Feature

imp.jpg (5506 bytes)Imp:

These workers are both your greatest asset and your greatest weakness. They'll the only creatures that can dig tunnels, claim areas, mine gold, and fortify walls. Also, they don't require a lair, they don't eat, and they never ask for a paycheck.

Unfortunately, they're worthless in a fight and they love to wander into unexplored territory, so they are likely to take the brunt of enemy traps and monsters. Make sure to keep Imps away from battle as much as possible. . If necessary, use locked doors to keep them out of danger.. If you are unsure about traps in a new area, make sure an inexperienced first-level Imp is scouting the way for you.

You should try and have at least 12 to 18 of these little slackers at your call at all times. It's very important that you have at least some of your Imps training at all times. When they hit level three, Imps have a permanent Speed Creature spell, which causes a dramatic improvement in their work. And at level ten, they can teleport (though that much training may be overkill). There's also a means of making Imps cheaper to produce. If you sacrifice an Imp in the Temple, the cost of production goes down by 150. (but the cost of a single imp can never go below 150)

Destroying enemy Imps is a great way to weaken a rival keeper's position without getting into a full-scale war. Find an area where his Imps are mining, then hit them with a Lightning spell. Do this enough, and he'll waste the majority of his gold just keeping up his workforce.

Level abilities: 1 = Digging, 3 = Speed, 10 = Teleport

Favorite Location: Digging
Health: Level 1: 75 Level 5: 180 Level 10: 311
Training time to gain 1000 EP: 56 seconds
Training Cost (per 1000 EP): 156
Natural Enemies: None
Anger Reaction: n/a
Chickens to Satiate: Does not eat
Experience Gained When Hit Level 1: 1 Level 5: 1 Level 10: 2
Slaps to Kill: 20
What They Like: Digging
What They Hate: nothing
Special Traits: No Paydays Doesn't need lair Doesn't get mad

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