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Casting Cost: 1000-2600
Duration: Short

Casting Cave-In on an area causes the roof to fall in, damaging any creatures there.   (Including your own)

The manual states that cave-in can be used to create "land-bridges" over water or lava, but I've never been able to get this to work.  I believe this is yet another example of the manual being dead wrong.  (However, if you can get it to work, let me know how...)

This spell, like many others, can be "powered up" to increase it's duration (and hence the damage it does).  Holding down the left mouse button while casting the spell causes the number inside the pointer to increase.  The number indicates the amount of gold the spell will cost when cast.

Cave-in is one of the few spells that you can cast on territory that is not your own.   This makes it useful for harassing enemy monsters on their home turf.  For example, you can use the Sight of Evil spell to locate an enemy lair, then cast Cave-in on his creatures while they rest.  Not only can this hurt or kill them, it can make them upset as well.  A few well-placed Cave-ins can go a long way to ruining an enemy Keeper's day...

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