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Possess Creature
Create Imp
Sight of Evil
Speed Monster
Must Obey
Call to Arms
Conceal Monster
Hold Audience
Cave In
Heal Monster
Lightning Strike
Protect Monster
Destroy Walls



OK, sometimes, a creature just can't get the job done...

In addition to your minions, you can also command powerful spells to defeat your enemies (or at least make their life a little more miserable.)

Normally, you start off a level with a few spells already available to you.  (such as possess creature, and create imp).  More powerful spells must be researched by your minions before you can use them.  Spells are researched in the library, just as rooms are. 

Never underestimate the usefulness or strategic value of spells.  Many Realms are unbeatable unless certain spells are used.

Note that some spells never become available on some realms.  You can usually look at the spells panel at the beginning of a level to determine which spells can be researched.  A Question Mark (?) indicates a spells that can be researched, but hasn't been researched yet.  Empty slots indicate spells that can not be researched in the current realm.  The spells that can be available are as follows.

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