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Possess Creature:

Casting Cost: 0
Duration: Controlled by player

The Possess Creature spells allows to to to directly control one creature.  You can control where it goes, and what it does.  You can even tell it what weapons to use.  But you get this ability at the cost of the omnipotent view you normally enjoy.  

Because, while you're controlling that one creature, you see your dungeon from that creature's point of view.  All of your creatures see the dungeon differently.   Imps see it from a lower height, Dragons see it through a smoky haze, Demon Spawns view is  warped, Hellhounds see it in Black-and-White, and so on.

By possessing a creature, you can also learn it's name and blood type, though why you ever need to know these things is quite beyond me.  This does show the great attention to detail that was put into this game. 

Because you're seeing your dungeon from the trenches, so to speak, you lose the overall strategic view of your dungeon.  This makes it very possible to miss important happenings elsewhere on your domain, so it's wise not to possess any creature too long.   Otherwise, the enemy could roll in and destroy vital parts of your dungeon before you know what hit you.

However, sometimes possessing a creature is a good option.  For example, you can group creature together in the barracks, and then possess the leader to lead the whole group to the area you want.

To possess a creature, choose the Possess Creature spell from the spell panel, then left-click on the creature you want to control.  Use the mouse and arrow keys to control your creature's movement.  Use the number keys to choose an attack.   When you want to stop controlling the creature, simply click your right mouse button.  Once you release control of the creature, it will go back to whatever it was doing before.

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