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Heal Monster

Casting Cost: 300-1200
Duration: Instant

When one of your creatures is attacked, it takes damage.  If a creature takes too much damage, it dies.  A creature can heal itself if it's allowed to go back to it's lair to rest.  Sometimes, however, you don't have the luxury of time.

This spell allows you to instantly heal one of your creatures.

Note that some higher-level creatures have the ability to heal themselves instantly without your help. 

This spell, like many others, can be "powered up" to increase it's effect.    Holding down the left mouse button while casting the spell causes the number inside the pointer to increase.  The number indicates the amount of gold the spell will cost when cast.

Also, you can choose a target for this spell on the battle status window.  Simply point to the icon that represents that creature you wish to heal.  I find this method more accurate  to use, since you don't have to find your creature among all the other monsters on the screen.  However, to use this method, your minion must be under attack....

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